About Me

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brownsville, texas, United States
I have been a christian for about few strong years now and i praise God daily for my salvation in Christ. I use to be a thug but now I'm a believer, and i can find no other joy than living for the glory of God. I aim to glorify Him everyday that i wake, i know that i fall short of that agenda daily, but by His grace alone do i still wake up and go to sleep at night. Soli Deo Gloria

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Christ the Living water

Hey fam! whats going down? well, as i was walking to work today i was just thinking of Christ, being the Fount of Living Water. Then i started thinking about life, and what role does water play in living. So then that brought me to thinking how Christ, spiritually, is our living water and what that means. So, here I go.

1) water is used to cleanse (or clean)

As I was thinking of water the first thing that popped into my head was the cleansing side of it. When we are dirty we take showers, right? and without water there is no way to wash. well, check this out Ezekiel 36:25 "Then I WILL sprinkle clean water on you, and you SHALL be clean; I WILL clean you from all your filthiness and from all your idols." wow! thats an amazing act of God. From birth, we are filthy, dirty in our sins, and it is God who acts on His own will to cleanse us from our filthiness. How? only through the blood shed on the Cross of Christ, thats the only way! not the righteousness of our own hands can cleanse us, nor anything we do, only the work of Christ death on the cross, and ressurection from the grave, that is the only way that our sins could be cleansed. That is the only way that we can be made white as snow. there is no other. Look and at the voice of God saying, " I WILL" it doesnt matter if you want to be cleansed or not, if God wants to cleanse you He will, and thats why His grace is so irresistable to His people, because once we see His cleansing hand, we cling to Him who has purified us, and counted us righteous on the behalf of His Son. Lastly, Idolatry is in our hearts from youth, whether we idolize things, or people or ourselves, if we dont have God first in our lives and hearts then we are idolizing something. So, God tells His people, i will clean you from your idols! God is a jealous God and He shares His glory with no man, beast, or thing.

2) Water quenches thirst, and gives life.

psalm 42:1 "as the deer pants for the water brooks, so my soul pants for You, O God." We christians, people set apart for the glory of God, do we thirst for God? do we, as a deer who has no had a drop of water for days, or weeks, pant for the flowing living water which only comes from Christ? we must, for without it, we will die. Thats the imagery we get from this psalm, a deer panting for a stream, longing for water, and now a brook right in front, it races and drinks and is satisfied and is giving life, and strength. Spiritually, we are like that deer. If do not have have our lives planted by the brook of God, in His word, with His people, in continual prayer with Him and fellowship with Him, we wont last. He is our strength, and through Him we have life.

3) water brings forth crops, fruit.

our lives before Chrsit was a dead waste land. But now that He has sprinkled Living water on us can we bear fruit, and live a life glorifying to the Father. As an early baby christian, i still relied on my works, and i thought the more good i did the more that i looked like a christian and i thought that if i made man happy then God would be happy with me, boy was i wrong. Now i see that back then i was relying on my works to make God happy and not the work of Christ to appease His wrath. I can now say that any good deed or anything i did was tainted with sin and was disquisting in the sight of God, but now that i believe in His finish work, being the only thing that could appease God, i have been able to bear fruit, in keeping with repentance. So, now this life which was once desolate, and dead and of no use, God has poured out His love and waterd it and now brings forth fruit in which He can enjoy, and men see, and testify of Him.

Well, i have to get going to bible study, but i hope ya'll get edified through this and rely only of the merit of Jesus Christ. Grace and Peace. amen.

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Trusting in Christ

These past few weeks have been hard for me. Sin has just been weighing me down and praise be to God that He hasn't killed me and "gave me over to my ways" (romans 1:23-25) but He has chiseld me and broke me down to rely on Him. I want to share what has been going on in by brain lately. Now, I love God, without Him i could not live nor do i have a purpose to live. Now, i also love theology, which is the study and knowledge of God, i love learning about His attributes and doctrine, i just love it. Now, i think i have been idolizing the knowledge i have of God, and not God Himself. Its a great thing to know about God and His ways, because it keeps us from heresy and gives us a reply to questions in which we should know the answers to and proclaim to others. Now, i am not knocking down theology, but if we make that our god and not God Himself then we are idolators, and not giving God the honor and praise that He deserves. I love when Jesus heals the man born blind in the Gospel of John, chapter 9. In this Chapter we see that the blind man did no ask to be healed, but that Jesus chose to heal Him for the glory of the Father. Now, when the man is healed he was approached by his neighbors, asking "is this not he who sat and begged?" to get to what i am trying to say in Chapeter 9:25, he says "whether He is a sinner or not i do not know. One thing i do know is that I was once blind but now i see." Now, what we need to know is that we were blind, dead, and filthy in our sins, but through Christ and Christ alone do we see, live, and have our being. Thats where we need to start off. We need to believe that truth, that solid fact that we need God to make us see, and to breath in us life. Theology does play a role in a Christians life, but i have heard testimonies of people having a knowledge of God and they are still blind, and later on God truly opens there eyes and they realize the difference between knowing about Him and having an experience with Him where He just makes you see, and bring life in your once dead soul. We need to taste and see that the Lord is good, we need to get in His world in which He speaks in and experience His promises to His people and the loud fulfillment to that promise, which is found in Jesus Christ. Again, theology does serve a purpose in the christians life and is needed, but first we must examine ourselves to see if we are in the faith (2 corinthians 13:5) it is a hard thing to do, this self examintation but it is better to realize that you are walking in the darkiness and then run to the light, which is Christ, than to decieve ourselves and remain in darkness til the Day of the Lord comes. Oh,i hope that we all truly cling to the cross of Christ, and that cross alone! i pray that we all humble ourselves and just rely on the atonement of Jesus Christ alone, because if we rely on anything else then we are still dead in our sins. I pray, and hope that this is edifying to the body, and that God uses my weak words to express His mighty power. Grace and peace fam! Amen!!!

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Friday, December 4, 2009

what is worthy of living unashamed?

I want to start off by saying that there are many things to be ashamed of. In this life we will have shamefull days, acts, friends, and woredrobes, but this is not applied to the Gospel of Christ. Many who know me know that my life text, if you'd wanna call it that, is romans 1:16, and throughout my christian walk this text has been lived out, unpacked, and revealed in many ways. So, allow me to try to put in finite words, what the Lord has allowed me to know. My B.C life, life Before Christ, was a shameful life, yet I boasted on all the shameful deeds i did. My life was ruled by status, sports,money, women, sex, drugs and music. Allow me to elaborat. In middle and high school i was addicted to alchohol, cocaine, and weed. Partying was my life at a young age, and that was what i boasted on. Monday mornings were filled with conversations about "how much i drank, how much drugs i did, and how many "chicks" i was with." Friday afternoons were spent talking about what drugs, girls, and parties i would be affiliated with. Shameful acts boasted on by a shameful boy. Yet, is this not the status of the world, is this not what the world boast on, and in the process the people of the world take upon the identity of the world and what it protrays. Sports, though in and of itself is not sinful, became my god, and that is sinful. I was a good student but not for education sake, but for sports, i pass i play, i fail i dont play, simple as that. So, i exhaulted basketball to the position of God, meaning it was the reason i lived and breathed. Music, i love to rap, and God has giving me a gift of using words to get accross an message in lyrical form, so i used that as a means to exhault myself, and the god i served, which were money,sex, status, and me. Shameful! My life was ruled by the worlds system, which is, do all and anything you need to do to make you happy, and may i say, i was good at it. Shameful! i used drugs, girls, and people for my own pleasure and boasted on it to all who have an ear. Praise God for not giving me up to my lust, for i could have gotten an S.T.D, thank God i didnt never had an overdose, even though many nights of using should have brought death. Now when i think of that life, i say "shame... shame... shame on me!" Now the life I live is something not to be ashamed of, but to boast on! "i am not ashamed of the Gospel" says paul, why? "for it is the power of God unto salvation" for whom? "to anyone who believes, first the Jew and also the Greek." I was anyone, in need of the life giving power of the Gospel of Christ. Before Jesus all i had was the wrath of the Father awaiting me, oh but what a gracious act for God to give up His only Begotten Son to save a great sinner as I. Now what i boast on is the same Gospel that Paul, John, Peter, James, and God Himself proclaimed. That God would send a Seed (Jesus) to crush the head of the serpent, and for all the world to repent and believe in this truth. The almighty, everlasting, infite, and holy God, became flesh. Wait, there is more. This fully God, fully Man named Jesus, lived a perfect life, sinless, and pure, but was treated as a criminal and was executed as a criminal. Wait, there is more. This perfect, holy, pure Man, was placed on a cross making Him a curse (galatians 3:13) and bearing our sins and drinking the full wrath of God's cup, that was meant for us, being seperated from the Father. That is nothing shameful, but all praise worthy. Wait, there is more. He rose from the tomb in the third day, accended in to heaven, being seen by hundreds, and now sits in the right hand of the Father, forever making intercession for His church, Wow! now that's awesome!!! From a life addicted to the world system, to becoming a christian and being a slave of Christ, and all was done by the Father, Christ, and the Holy Spirit, and none by me. That's worthy to boast on, the cross of salvation. I hope and pray that this is edifying to the Church, and that all christians everywhere live an unashamed life with the cross in the center. May the God of peace be exhaulted in your life. Grace and Peace from God the Father, and our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen!
