About Me

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brownsville, texas, United States
I have been a christian for about few strong years now and i praise God daily for my salvation in Christ. I use to be a thug but now I'm a believer, and i can find no other joy than living for the glory of God. I aim to glorify Him everyday that i wake, i know that i fall short of that agenda daily, but by His grace alone do i still wake up and go to sleep at night. Soli Deo Gloria

Monday, January 25, 2010

little blog on the book of acts.

yo, what up fam? well, i just started reading the book of acts yesterday, stopped at chapter 10, but ch.4:29-37 really just brought joy to my heart, and also some pain. Joy, because i love how selfless and how giving and loving the people were. V.32 said that the people were of one heart and one soul. They shared the same passion which was loving Christ, exalting His name, and as a body of believers they cared for each other.Also in V.34 it says that none of them lacked anything. Man, thats sick! Now, we live in a culture where you have to look out for number 1 (you); the church shows that as a body, as the bride of Christ, we care for each other, if your in need we will help you lack nothing. Now, i dont think the scripture meant, "yo, if your lacking a bently and a mansion, we will help you get those things," but i think it means with both physical things, like food, shelter, clothing, etc. and spiriturally, learning about Christ, and being fed spiritually by the preaching of the word. The reason why i felt pain was for 2 reasons, one, because of my prideful heart, convicted to the core fam. I am not one to ask for help, for anything, and i have been told i have a prideful heart, and even my pastors and elders have offerd help when i need it, but i tend to refuse because i was brought up in a "dont ask anyone for help because that shows your weak," kind of mentality. Reading this showed me that when i am in need, again not selfish need or worldly need, but in true need, like finacially i cant do something that is edifying the church, or something on those lines, that i can go to the church and ask for help. Humility! is what this has shown me, beautiful, and loving humility. Another reason i had pain in my heart and soul is because i feel like we, as a church in whole, have not been doing this. We need to be able to help one other, not grudgenly, but lovingly. The people did not sell all their possessions and say "This stinks, i dont wanna do this, but let me just slap on a smile and do it because it will make God happy." No! They were of one heart, and one soul, and i am pretty sure they did this out of love for one another. But!!! we see in chapter 5 a couple who sold their possessions but held back some of it for themselves and they both died. Peter says in V.4 of chapter 5 that "you have not lied to men, but to God." This shows selfishness, and deceit by the couple and a heart that was probably not in one mind and one soul. What i am trying to get at, and there is so much in this text and i have little time, is that we, as a body of believers and as the bride of Christ need to keep this in mind, to love each other and to help each other at all times. To make sure that our fellow brethren do not lack anything, like shelter, or food, or clothing, etc. and also spiritually, to help those that are young in the faith to grow in there walk with Christ. Also, to be humble, not to be ashamed to ask for help from the church, because that is one of there purposes, to clothe the naked, to feed the hungry, to help the other members of the body. Be humble, those who walk in meekness and humility truly please the Lord.

Well i hope that this has edified those of you whom have read it and works in your hearts. May the grace and peace of our Lord, Jesus Christ, be with you always. Amen.

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